Efficient communication is the heart of entrepreneurship


A business needs communication. Advertising and communication are the heart of trade! If you’re not doing it right, the whole business might be in vain!

Today, we are subjected to hundreds or even thousands of advertisements every day: online, tv, radio, Facebook and phone. In this context, it can be a challenge to find the right channels to distribute your message, promote your products and services, communicate with your clients or to secure their loyalty. Your message must be original, and meet the needs of the market.

Marketing budgets differ from company to company, and that is normal. Coca Cola invests exorbitant amounts in advertising, as does McDonald’s, despite the fact that the brands are very well-known, so they theoretically don’t even need advertising. But the times have passed when you would only advertise in order to make yourself known and get more customers. It’s about much more than that now: prestige, loyalty, customer community.

Advertising is a way of communicating with your customers, keeping them up to date with what’s new with your business. If you have launched a new product or opened a new store, it is good to inform your customers so they know what to buy and where to buy it.

And you can do this in a fun and friendly way, through an advertisement! Communication is great for creating and maintaining brand loyalty. By crafting the right message, an entrepreneur can convey their principles and values to customers, and if they identify with those, then you gain loyal customers. So, if you’ve satisfied more customers, got involved in a new community project or received a new award, these are great things to share with your customers because they all create a positive image.

People have an acute need of belonging to a community, being part of a group, being accepted, and if you manage to awaken a sense of trust and familiarity through proper communication, then they will surely come and stay in your group, which means that they will grow your business.


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